Acute prostatitis
Patients typically present systemically ill. They complain of urinary tract symptoms including dysuria. They may have abdominal or suprapubic tenderness.
On rectal examination, there will be exquisite tenderness of the prostate. Rarely, there may be gas accumulation (emphysematous prostatitis) on x-ray.
Laboratory evaluation may reveal bacteremia. Urinalysis reveals pyuria, and urine culture should reveal the causative organism. Gram-negative pathogens including Escherichia coli are commonly identified.
Patients who have recently undergone procedures on the genitourinary tract, including prostate biopsy, are at risk for this infection. Treatment is with antibiotics.
Related Topic: Chronic Prostatitis
N41.0 – Acute prostatitis
79411002 – Acute prostatitis
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Last Updated:03/19/2017

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