Bronchogenic cyst in Adult
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A bronchogenic cyst is a congenital respiratory tract malformation arising as an embryonic out-pouching of the foregut or trachea. Bronchogenic cysts can be found anywhere along the tracheobronchial tree and are often asymptomatic unless they become infected. Cysts typically appear as sharply marginated, water-density lesions on chest x-ray and may contain air-fluid levels when infected.
Symptoms can vary, but patients will present with failure to thrive or with airway obstruction. Failure to thrive is likely due to dysphagia and subsequent poor oral nutrition intake. Hemoptysis can occur when the bronchogenic cyst erodes into surrounding vasculature.
Symptoms can vary, but patients will present with failure to thrive or with airway obstruction. Failure to thrive is likely due to dysphagia and subsequent poor oral nutrition intake. Hemoptysis can occur when the bronchogenic cyst erodes into surrounding vasculature.
J98.4 – Other disorders of lung
762195006 – Congenital bronchogenic cyst
J98.4 – Other disorders of lung
762195006 – Congenital bronchogenic cyst
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Last Reviewed:03/21/2019
Last Updated:05/05/2019
Last Updated:05/05/2019