Granuloma inguinale - Anogenital in
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Granuloma inguinale (donovanosis) is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the gram-negative Klebsiella granulomatis. Previously more common in Australia, it is now extremely rare in that country. Approximately 100 cases occur in the United States each year. The disease is reported to be more commonly found in tropic and subtropic regions, including India, Southern Africa, South America, Southeast Asia, New Guinea, and the Caribbean.
After an incubation period of days to months, subcutaneous nodules develop at inoculation sites that later erode. The lesions are usually painless, but in atypical variants of the disease, there may be mild pain. Autoinoculation is a common feature, producing so-called "kissing lesions" on adjacent skin and, less commonly, extending to underlying abdominal organs. Subcutaneous granulomas occur in the inguinal area that mimic lymphadenopathy (so-called pseudo-buboes). Without treatment, chronic lesions can result in lymphatic obstruction leading to genital lymphedema and distortion. Extragenital lesions, including oral, bone, and abdominal organs, are reported in 6% of cases. Constitutional symptoms are notably absent.
In rare cases, squamous cell carcinoma may develop in chronically present ulcers.
Granuloma inguinale predisposes individuals to transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
After an incubation period of days to months, subcutaneous nodules develop at inoculation sites that later erode. The lesions are usually painless, but in atypical variants of the disease, there may be mild pain. Autoinoculation is a common feature, producing so-called "kissing lesions" on adjacent skin and, less commonly, extending to underlying abdominal organs. Subcutaneous granulomas occur in the inguinal area that mimic lymphadenopathy (so-called pseudo-buboes). Without treatment, chronic lesions can result in lymphatic obstruction leading to genital lymphedema and distortion. Extragenital lesions, including oral, bone, and abdominal organs, are reported in 6% of cases. Constitutional symptoms are notably absent.
In rare cases, squamous cell carcinoma may develop in chronically present ulcers.
Granuloma inguinale predisposes individuals to transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
A58 – Granuloma inguinale
28867007 – Granuloma inguinale
A58 – Granuloma inguinale
28867007 – Granuloma inguinale
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Last Reviewed:05/24/2018
Last Updated:09/22/2021
Last Updated:09/22/2021
Granuloma inguinale - Anogenital in
See also in: Overview,Cellulitis DDx