Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) is characterized by an exaggerated need for orderliness and control, an attention to detail that can miss the overall picture, and inflexibility in process and rules. OCPD is a personality disorder, which is in part defined by the persistence of symptoms from adolescence and early adulthood that do not vary, unlike obsessive-compulsive disorder where patients will have sporadic flares and symptom-free periods of time. Individuals with OCPD do not have the frequency of repetition both in intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and actions (compulsions) seen in obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Patients with OCPD can be time-consuming to work with, seem "difficult" in their need to know details, and often are described as perfectionists who are inflexible. Patients want to maintain control of their situation.
Individuals with OCPD will spend significant energy "checking" in a quest for perfection; as a result, they often have difficulty completing tasks. Hoarding behaviors and unnecessary frugality are also seen and rise to the level of causing functional impairment or distress. Patients tend to have a constricted affect. Men are diagnosed with OCPD twice as often as women.
As with all personality disorders, OCPD is not curable, and the traits will be present indefinitely. There is no known genetic or environmental cause, although there is a slightly increased prevalence among relatives. This is suggestive of either an inherited cause or environmental trigger, such as a disturbed attachment during childhood. The overall prevalence is estimated at 3%-8%.
Patients with this disorder may have an increased risk of various general medical conditions.
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
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Last Reviewed:06/12/2019
Last Updated:09/17/2020
Last Updated:09/17/2020